Packing Tips & Tricks Every Traveler Should Know

1. Keep clothes smelling fresh with a dryer sheet.

2. Pack the heaviest items in the bottom of a suitcase for easier rolling and less clothing wrinkles.

3. Slip breakables in shoes for extra cushioning.

4. Store Q-tips in an old pill container.

5. Coat cotton swabs in favorite eye shadows instead of bringing a whole palette.


6. Store makeup and moisturizer in a contact lens case instead of bringing the whole bottle.

7. Place a cotton ball or pad over powdered makeup to keep it from breaking.

8. Stop toiletry bottles from leaking with plastic wrap.


9. And hang toiletries on a lanyard.


10. Make individual shampoo and soap travel packs with a Food Saver vacuum sealer.


11. Pack clothespins and use them to keep toothbrushes off hotel bathroom counters.


12. Cover a razor with a binder clip.


13. Bring a pop-up laundry hamper to keep the hotel room neat.


14. Keep a pair of earrings together with a button.


15. Or, use a wine cork.


16. Store bobby pins in a Tic-Tac container.


17. Save space by rolling instead of folding clothes.

18. Keep belts in shirt collars to help keep their shape.

19. Pack blazers inside-out to prevent wrinkles.


20. Nest bras on top of each other to save space and help keep their shape.


21. Organize outfits by day in resealable bags.


22. Separate shoes from clothes with a shower cap.

23. Or, use spare socks to store shoes.

24. Place jewelry in between two sheets of Glad Press’n Seal to avoid tangles and breaks.


25. Or, pack jewelry in a pill case.


26. Slip necklaces into straws to keep them from tangling.


27. Keep a book together with a rubber band.


28. Use a clothespin to keep headphones from getting tangled.


29. Store chargers and cords in an eyeglass case.